Business Analytics (BA) is more than IT technology, it involves computer science and people management and business skills to explore, analyze and generate insights based on company activities for better business planning.
BA works with analytical modelling, numerical analysis and fact-based management offering an overview of the business performance leading to actionable insights for decision-makers.
A company’s need for analysis is far from new especially when it comes to its business status and evolution. Integrated BA services offer better insights and generate solutions for cost reduction, profitability increase, risk management improvement and business opportunities as well.
Due to modern business technologies and IT solutions, companies are empowered to develop better strategies, educate its users and support critical swift of perspective.
In a fast-changing business environment Business Analytics keeps companies up-to-date by analyzing data from both inside and outside the organization. BA empowers companies to take better decisions for their growth based on clear results in each aspect of the business.
With a goal set, the company`s data will be inserted, cleansed and modeled to design a Data WareHouse (DWH) architecture. After the DHW is ready, the data is tested and embeds the product’s functionality into other systems.
Once the product is enabled with historical and real-time data, the company can have access to visualization tools, reports, collaboration opportunities, e-mail integrations, alerts and many more.
By analyzing a company’s IT and business infrastructures, our experts are able to map the requirements for future BI and advanced analytics solutions. Our BA services will be personalized on our customer's needs: from reports, KPIs, alerts to automatized integration the services will be adapted to every company's needs of growth and risk management.
Our experts can work with pre-existent BA tools and update them, with the current needs or provide ready-made solutions and integrate them in the company's workflow.